Tuesday, June 10, 2008

CJ said...
Katie,you're so awesome to have started this! My heart is aching for the loss of Chris,this world wil never be the same without his smile and love and laughter.
June 10, 2008 9:28 AM


Unknown said...

I couldn't belive my ears when I got the call. Him and I were just hanging out a few days b4. . Chris & I became friends at Alorica the call center he was working at before his new job. We had known one another from Institute of Technology when we had went there then we ended up at the crappy call center. Goes to show where that school gets ya!Chris was a great person & this is very unfortunate to have lost him. He is going to be missed by me and all of us at Alorica that knew him.


Anonymous said...

Dang,, Deffinately a good guy..
Always cheerful. and i never got to design the T-Shirts That He Wanted Me to. It Was Great Working With Him.
Gonna Miss You Chris.